
Chicago Roofing Contractors

The last time you climbed up a ladder and cleaned out your gutters, you got a magnified view of your roof. A few turned-up shingles, moss growth, or rusted flashing — are these normal signs of wear and tear, or are they signaling to larger waterproofing issues and the need for a new roof?

If you start to notice any problems with the roof of your Chicago home, it may be time for a replacement. Roofs are essential to protecting your home and keeping out the elements. They also play a key role in curb appeal when you’re selling your home. Bring in the experts at Areté to determine the best course of action. Here are some possible outcomes when you decide it is time for a roof upgrade:

  • Repair – We can scan your roof and identify the root cause of the problems you may be having. Sometimes all it takes is a simple replacement of shingles and other times it takes a much more in-depth renovation to fix the issue. Areté is prepared on all sides of the spectrum.
  • Installation – When the issue becomes too big to fix with a few repairs, it is time for a completely new roof installation. We have installed countless roofs with materials that range from shingles to metal to gravel flat roofs. Investing in a new roof will save you money in energy costs and pay off immensely later down the road if you are planning to sell.
  • Weatherproofing – To ensure you stay safe inside your home, it is vital that you weatherproof the roof by checking for leaks and damage to the waterproofing layers and pinpointing areas for repair. Upgrading your attic insulation is the most recommended method to ensure heating costs remain low during the winter months. Remember that roof systems are constructed in layers. The outermost layer of shingles, tiles, or sheeting is typically more cosmetic than structural.

Don’t let a roof in disrepair bring down your home’s value. How long your roofing material lasts largely depends on the climate you live in, and with the way Chicago’s everchanging seasons are, it’s best to stay on top of your roofing needs before it is too late. You can trust Areté to get the job done right so your roof can continue to protect you and your family for years to come. If you are in the Chicago area and are considering adding a new roof or updating your current roof, contact us today at 773.683.3033 to schedule a consultation.

Roofing is subcontracted through our licensed and insured partner – Allside Exteriors and Construction.




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